Volume 2! Join us for our second show this year! Scheduled Meditation's comedy night will be popping up downtown!. "Make Mufaro Do Standup Again" is an event designed to showcase high level standup comedy talent in Vancouver featuring Scheduled Meditation CEO Mufaro Mbudzi and his friends. We are doing this pop-up at a new venue in downtown, Ventura Room
Mufaro Mbudzi
Providence Ndizeye ( https://www.instagram.com/afriicanchild/ )
Rachel Schaefer. ( https://www.instagram.com/racheleschaefer/ )
Tarisai Mbudzi ( https://www.instagram.com/tothemusic1/ )
Ryan Williams (https://www.instagram.com/ryanwilliamscomic/ )
SCHEDULED MEDITATION: https://www.instagram.com/scheduledmeditation/
MUFARO MBUDZI: https://www.instagram.com/mufarombu/
VENTURA ROOM: https://www.venturaroom.com/
Buy Tickets Here: